Wednesday, February 10, 2010

my favourite math problem :)

my favourite math problem was number seventeen ..

17) The digits 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 can be arranged to form 24 different 4-digit numbers. If these numbers are then listed from smallest to largest , what postition is 3142 ?

The numbers from smallest to largest are ::
1234 , 1243 , 1324 , 1342 , 1423 , 1432
2134 , 2143 , 2314 , 2341 , 2413 , 2431
3124 , 3142 , 3214 , 3241 , 3412 , 3421

3124 is the 14th number.

i solved this by writing out all the possible combinations of the four digits
as i listed them , i also put them in order from smallest to largest ..
therefore concluding that 3124 is in the 14th position

i liked this question because you have to make combinations of numbers
and thats fun :P
it wasnt hard to figure out
but i chose this question because of the different numbers
and it requires a bit of thinking and organization

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